About Us
Founded in 2005 by Ross Coomber, the UEA Surgical Society started off as a link between the Norwich Medical School and the Royal College of Surgeons, whilst also offering education in the areas of anatomy, basic surgical skills and career advice. Over the years, several eventful developments have occurred such as Basic Surgical Skills events and the increased promotion of Women in Surgical Training. With each passing year, membership has swelled and NUSS is now the second largest medical student society at the University of East Anglia, with over 350 members.
In 2012, the Society embraced its present title of Norwich Undergraduate Surgical Society (NUSS) and has since embarked on several new projects. We are proud to provide our members with an active mentoring scheme with more than 20 mentors across all specialties. This allows our participants more access to theatres whilst also offering opportunities in audit, research, case presentations and CV building advice. We are also involved in promoting surgical careers in local schools and colleges in Norfolk through the Surgery in Schools scheme, in association with the Royal College of Surgeons. The Society has been fortunate to be able to invite several eminent guest lecturers over the years to UEA and continues to do so. In 2012, Sir Roy Calne, the pioneer of liver transplantation in Europe, presented his lecture on 'Organ Transplantation: A Contest of Many Hurdles' to an avid audience. Practical events and peer-led teaching sessions take place throughout the first and second semesters with a greater emphasis on anatomy and radiology revision in the third semester in preparation for end of year exams. |